Sunday, September 26, 2010

Night Two of Orientation/Clubs

Another day, another club, another night with vodka and dance :). Tonight we checked out Tokyo Underground and Cuba Libre. Tokyo Underground was... a BAR. Cuba Libre was a CLUB. Does that make sense? I am beginning to meet people on erasmus here, which is nice. But this whole... clubs are open until sunrise thing is kicking my ass. Don't worry mom and pops... I am behaving ;). Tonight we had a barbeque (meaning this AMAAAZING polish soup (zoupa.. I don't know the specific soup's name) and Polish sausage, and it was amazing) with one Lech, one warm wine (starts with a G) and a cocktail. Aga and Paulina met us at Ailiba, somethingarather.There were flair bartenders (which was super cool and makes regular bartenders (no offence) somewhat boring). Then we socialized, and headed off to the clubs! It's so awesome being on a program like this, because everyone is here for the same type of thing. To travel, and meet new people! Oh, and I guess school is in there somewhere too eh? We all headed to Tokyo Underground tonight first, that means almost all the exchange students (I believe) were there. Then when 2 AM rolled around most people seemed to clear out... A few of the guys from Belgium (they are crazy :) ) and the two from Finland (Carl and Dan) and Chrissy (from Germany) headed to Cuba Libre. Cuba Libre is where I belong, I swear. It is all Latin dancing (salsa, ect.) with music to match. It wasn't like everyone was falling over drunk either, however they were serving Havana Club (JAELYNN!!). People went to actually just DANCE which is what I live for, that and food. Speaking of food, Kinga and I went grocery shopping today. It wasn't nearly as overwhelming this time, as it was the first time. I think that is my word for this trip, OVERWHELMING. That is how I feel when I walk by a castle to go to school, and find my cereal in bags, and my milk unrefridgerated (if that is a word) in the aisle of the grocery store. It is crazy how different everything is 8 or so time-zones away. But I love it, I love every single.. difficult... thing about it.
That is all for tonight, it is now almost 6 AM, and I really do need some sleep! But first! I need to apologize to anyone I offended with the kissing the cheek thing, I had no idea what was going on most of the time, and usually thought someone was trying to talk to me? Negative to that. But I am learning. ANYWAY, that is all!
Xoxo From Poland

Howarts-like, no?

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